Tools for Sharing and Celebrating Graduation

We recommend you consider these three approaches as pillars of your graduation coverage:


Facebook Live Training

Use your phone to livestream your graduation in real time so every family member can share in the celebration, regardless if they are present for the ceremony.

Create Your Own Social Media Video

Create your own video slideshow to share online using photos you take on graduation day.

This training gives step-by-step instructions for using the Animoto app, adding images to your video, styling your video, optimizing your settings, and uploading the finished product to Facebook.

Hire a Photographer



The Communications Team will gladly arrange for a photographer to capture your event. We'll hire from our list of vetted professionals, all of which have experience working at Green Dot graduations.

You will be given a digital gallery of beautifully edited images, color and black and white, for use in print and digital materials.

Please note the $450 photography rate ($150/hour with a 3 hour minimum). The comms team will submit a requisition to your budget upon request. The deadline for requests is May 8.  


Green Dot Public Schools National

1149 S. Hill St.
Los Angeles, CA 90015

(323) 565-1600